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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Twitter : You should go change your Twitter password, because it was stored as plain text

Twitter has announced via theirofficial blog that they have recognized a bug in their internal systems that allowed for user passwords to be stored in plain text.
The company assures customers that this is not a breach, but rather a software issue, and users should simply change their passwords. Twitter also claims that the code is currently being reviewed and a fix will soon be in place.
We mask passwords through a process called hashing using a function known as bcrypt, which replaces the actual password with a random set of numbers and letters that are stored in Twitter’s system. This allows our systems to validate your account credentials without revealing your password. This is an industry standard.  
Due to a bug, passwords were written to an internal log before completing the hashing process. We found this error ourselves, removed the passwords, and are implementing plans to prevent this bug from happening again.
In conjunction with changing your password, Twitter also suggests a few other options to increase your account security.
  1. Use a strong password that you don’t reuse on other websites.
  2. Enable login verification, also known as two-factor authentication. This is the single best action you can take to increase your account security.
  3. Use a password manager to make sure you’re using strong, unique passwords everywhere.
And piggybacking off the final suggestion, we are big fans of password managers. Some of our favorites to check out are LastPass, Dashlane, and Bitwarden, and we’ve got a full explainer on how they work. These are good utility apps to use to have a localized locker for all your passwords and will also auto-generate, and save, secure passwords for all your online accounts.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Top 30 Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmer

This tutorial is about 30 Eclipse keyboard shortcuts, this list is by no means complete and I will suggest you guys to share eclipse shortcuts listed other than here to make this more useful. Eclipse is the most used Java development IDE and knowing Eclipse shortcuts not only improve your productivity but also makes you more efficient. You will have more time for things you like to do. Using keyboard shortcuts also helps to impress colleagues and shows that you have a good hold on tools you used for Java Development. If you are a Java developer, who use Eclipse as its main IDE for all coding, development, and debugging purpose, then I also suggest you to take a look at The Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse, 2nd Edition, one of the best book to learn how to use Eclipse from Java programmer's perspective.
I was big fan of Netbeans IDE before coming across Eclipse because I was from J2ME background and Netbeans provide sophisticated IDE environment to enable you to build, debug and run your Java application in various emulator including some advanced processing options e.g. preprocessing, setting up Exception breakpoint etc. From that time I love to know keyboard shortcuts on IDE and other tools, I used for development including Edit Plus, Microsoft Excel etc.
But when I join an investment bank I came across Eclipse IDE, since everybody in my team is using and Netbeans IDE was not available in company (don’t know why that was not allowed net-beans even though it was free) I have decided to go Eclipse way, later I found that Eclipse was most suited for that application given some of cool feature of eclipse e. g. Remote Debugging, Conditional Breakpoints, Exception breakpoints and Ctrl+T and Ctrl+R kind of shortcuts.
Here I am sharing a list of 30 Eclipse keyboard shortcuts which I found most useful and using in my day to day life while writing code, reading the code or debugging Java application in Eclipse.

30 Useful Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts for Java Programmers

Here is my list of 30 chosen Eclipse IDE keyboard shortcuts for Java developers. It's useful for both core Java developer and Java web application developer using Eclipse IDE for web development.

  Ctrl + Shift + T for finding class even from jar
This keyboard shortcut in Eclipse is my most used and favorite shortcut. While working with a high-speed trading system which has a complex code, I often need to find classes with the just blink of the eye and this eclipse keyboard shortcut is just made for that. No matter whether you have class in your application or inside any JAR, this shortcut will find it.
2     Ctrl + Shift + R for finding any resource (file) including config xml files
This is similar to above Eclipse shortcut with only difference that it can find out not only Java files but any files including XML, configs, and many others, but this eclipse shortcut only finds files from your workspace and doesn’t dig at jar level.
3    Ctrl + 1 for quick fix
This is another beautiful Eclipse shortcut which can fix up any error for you in Eclipse. Whether it’s missing declaration, missing semi-colon or any import related error this eclipse shortcut will help you to quickly sort that out.
4   Ctrl + Shift + o for organize imports
Another Eclipse keyboard shortcut for fixing missing imports. Particularly helpful if you copy some code from other file and what to import all dependencies.

Eclipse Shortcut for Quick Navigation

In this section, we will see some eclipse keyboard shortcut which helps to quickly navigate within the file and between file while reading and writing code in Eclipse.
7) Ctrl + o for quick outline going quickly to method
9) Alt + right and Alt + left for going back and forth while editing.
12) Alt + Shift + W for show in package explorer
13) Ctrl + Shift + Up and down for navigating from member to member (variables and methods)
15) Ctrl + k and Ctrl + Shift +K for find next/previous
24) Go to a type declaration: F3, This Eclipse shortcut is very useful to see function definition very quickly.

Eclipse Shortcut for Editing Code

These Eclipse shortcuts are very helpful for editing code in Eclipse.
5) Ctrl + / for commenting, uncommenting lines and blocks, see here for live example.
6) Ctrl + Shift + / for commenting, uncommenting lines with block comment, see here for example.
8) Selecting class and pressing F4 to see its Type hierarchy
10) Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + w for closing current file
11) Ctrl+Shirt+W for closing all files.
14) Ctrl + l go to line
16) Select text and press Ctrl + Shift + F for formatting.
17) Ctrl + F for find, find/replace
18) Ctrl + D to delete a line
19) Ctrl + Q for going to last edited place

Miscellaneous Eclipse Shortcuts

These are different Eclipse keyboard shortcuts which doesn’t fit on any category but quite helpful and make life very easy while working in Eclipse.
20) Ctrl + T for toggling between supertype and subtype
21) Go to other open editors: Ctrl + E.
22) Move to one problem (i.e.: error, warning) to the next (or previous) in a file: Ctrl +. For next, and Ctrl +, for the previous problem
23) Hop back and forth through the files you have visited: Alt +  and Alt + , respectively.
25) CTRL+Shift+G, which searches the workspace for references to the selected method or variable
26) Ctrl+Shift+L to view listing for all Eclipse keyboard shortcuts.
27) Alt + Shift + j to add Javadoc at any place in java source file.
28) CTRL+SHIFT+P to find closing brace. Place the cursor at the opening brace and use this.
29) Alt+Shift+X, Q to run Ant build file using keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse.
30) Ctrl + Shift +F for Autoformatting.

Here is the nice image to remember these useful Eclipse shortcuts for Java programmers:
Useful Eclipse Shortcuts for Java Developers

If you have some more useful Eclipse keyboard shortcuts then please post as comments, I will include them in this list. These Eclipse shortcuts will mostly work almost all Eclipse versions e.g. 3.5, 3.6 Helios, Eclipse Ganymede and Indigo. Let me know if you face any issue while using these Eclipse shortcuts in any particular version of Eclipse IDE.

10 Things Java Programmers Should Learn in 2018

It's 24th December now and only a few days have left in the year 2017. It's a good time to look back and retrospect what you have achieved in 2017 and what you could have done better. This will help you to create your goals for 2018. As a programmer, our biggest challenge is to keep ourselves up-to-date. Technology changes very fast and you will see a new version of programming language and framework coming to every couple of year. This year has plentiful of changes with JDK 9, Spring 5, Spring Security 5 and Spring Boot 2, it's probably the busiest year in terms of changes for Java developers.
When I started 2017, I thought Java 8 was new and before I could finish learning Java 8 completely, Java 9 is ready. It came with a lot of interesting features e.g. Jigsaw modules, API enhancements like collection factory methods, a command line tool like JShall and many more. I am really excited to learn those in 2018.
Same goes with Spring framework and Spring Security, I didn't know all the changes on Spring 4.0 and Spring Security 4.0, my project was still using Spring Security 3.1 and boom we now have version 5.0 for both Spring and Spring security.
My learning speed has slowed down a little bit in last a couple of years and I haven't managed to keep myself up-to-date with latest and greatest e.g. I am yet to get comfortable with Git, JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React, latest changes on unit and integration testing space and new version of popular framework e.g. Spring, Spring Security, and Spring Boot.
So, 2018 will be all about getting myself up-to-date with things which matters most.
What Programmers should learn in 2018
Here is my list of things a Java developer should learn in 2018.

Learn git in 2018
Git and Github have been around some time and while I have used Git in past with Eclipse, I am yet to become comfortable with Git on the command line. Why I haven't mastered Git so far? Simply because I didn't need it yet. I have occasionally download projects from Github and run from Eclipse but I am still a novice with Git.
Since now most of the companies are migrating their projects from SVN, CVS to Git, its high time to learn and master Git. I have recently purchased the Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git from Udemy on their last 10$ sale and this would be the first item to complete in 2018. If you are in the same boat and want to learn Git in 2018, do check out that course from Udemy, it's very handy.

Unit testing
Another area which I want to improve in a coming year. There are a lot of new framework and tools available for Java programmers to unit test and integration test their application e.g. Mockito and PowerMock for mocking objects, Robot Framework, and Cucumber for automated integration test and of course the new and shining JUnit 5 library.
There are plenty of stuff to learn on this front. If you can invest some time upgrading your unit testing skill, not only your coding skill will improve but also you will become a more professional developer, which every company looks form. To start with, you can check out JUnit and Mockito Crash Course from Udemy.

Learn JUnit 5 and Mockito in 2018

Java 8 and 9
As I said, I am still learning Java 8 and many Java developers too. I will also spend some time learning new features of Java 9 in 2018 but for me, Java 8 is still a priority. The JDK 9 brings a lot of goodies in terms of modules, Jigsaw, Reactive Streams, Process API, HTTP2 client, JShell, and API improvements like collection factory methods and I am really looking forward to learning them at the earliest opportunity.
In the last Udemy 10$ sale, I have purchased a host of courses and one of them is Java 9 MasterClass and I am looking forward to starting my Java 9 journey with that.
Btw, if you have yet to start with JDK 8 then here is my list of favorite Java 8 tutorials and courses which you can free of cost: 10 best tutorial to learn Java 8.

best course to learn Java 9
Spring Framework 5
The year of 2017 has seen many major upgrades to Spring and Java Ecosystem and Spring Framework 5.0 is one of them. I have been hearing about some new features like reactive programming model on Spring 5, adoption of Java 8 and 9, some unit testing improvement etc but I have yet to try that.
Anyway, I have already started learning Spring 5.0  by following Spring 5. 0: Beginner to Guru and will keep the momentum going in 2018. If you use Spring, probably it's the best time to learn Spring 5.0. If you like books, you can also check out the Learning Spring 5.0 book from Packt Publications, one of the first book on Spring 5.0

best book to learn Spring framework 5
RESTful Web Service
One more thing I want to improve in 2018 is my knowledge about writing REST API and implementing secure and scalable RESTful Web Service in Java using Spring. This is one skill which is highly desirable in Java world and there are not many people who know both Java and REST well. If you are also in the same boat and want to learn how to develop RESTful Web Service using Spring, The REST of Spring MasterClass from Eugen Paraschiv is a good starting point.

learn REST with Spring framework in 2018
Spring Security 5.0
This is the third major upgrade on Spring Eco-System. The 5th version of popular security framework has several bug fixes and a major OAuth 2 module, which you just can't miss. This is another priority Item for me in 2018 along with Spring 5.0 framework stuff. Thankfully Eugen has updated his best selling course Learn with Spring Security to include 5.0 features and added a separate module for OAuth 2.0., probably the best material to learn Spring Security 5.0 at this moment.

learn spring security 5 in 2018

Spring Boot 2
The Spring Boot framework also has a new release Spring Boot 2. If I get sometime after all these goals in 2017 then I will learn Spring Boot 2. If you also want to learn Spring Boot 2, you can check out this free Spring boot course from Udemy for a quick start.

what to learn in 2018
Angular JS or React JS
These two JavaScript framework has completely changed how you develop web applications. As a Java developer, I have used Servlet, JSP, and jQuery at client side but haven't yet tried my hand with Angular or React. In 2018, one of my goals is to learn Angular JS and I will be starting my journey with Udemy's Angular 5- The Complete Guide. If you are in the same boat then you can also take a look at that course, it's very handy.
If you don't know how to write Android Apps in 2018 then you are lacking something. Mobile is one of the best platforms to reach a large number of people and Android is probably the most popular platform to write mobile applications.  Even though I know Android basics, I have yet to publish any Android apps, maybe 2018 will change that. For now, I have shortlisted these Android online courses to refresh my knowledge and get to the next level. If you are also in the same boat then you may find them useful as well.

10 things programmers should learn in 2018
Apache Spark and Kafka
One more thing I want to explore in depth in 2018 is the Big Data, and particularly Apache Spark and Apache Kafka framework. I am not sure if I will get time to look other Big data technologies but its seriously good stuff and Big Data is probably the hottest technology at this moment.  If you also want to learn Big data in 2018, you may want to check my list of shortlisted courses to learn Apache Spark for Java developers from Udemy and Pluralsight.

What Java programmer should learn in 2018
That's all about what to learn in 2018? As I said, Technology changes with rapid speed and the biggest challenge for programmers are to keep themselves up-to-date. Apart from this list, there are plenty of other stuff which you can look-up in new year e.g. learning a new programming language like Kotlin but for me, I will be more than happy if I can achieve these goals in 2018.

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